Friday, September 28, 2007

It's My Line!

It's My Line!
Directed by Kathryn G. McCarty
Oct. 5, 2007 7 p.m

What: Ever watched Who's Line is it Anyway? with Drew Carey???? Well that's improvisational comedy!! There's no script, no preparation......just several fun games the actors will play with the help of the audience. If you're looking for something fun and entertaining to do on Friday night....come check out It's My Line!

Price: Donations only

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Night at the Fights play

Contra Costa College Drama Department presents...
Night at the Fights: An Evening of Theatrical Violence
Directed by Andrea Weber
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Knox Center for Performing Arts
Tickets: $10 students / $15 general
For more information contact:CCC Drama Department
(510) 235-7800 x4274
Come check out this event...and see all the great talent CCC has!!

September 28 Holiday!!

Attention Contra Costa College Students!

There is no school on September 28!!!! September 28th is a school holiday celebrating Native American Day! So enjoy your three day weekend and don't forget to come back to school on Monday!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Transfer DAY

It's that time of year again! Transfer DAY! Thursday is Transfer day which means that you get to meet with college reps from a variety of four-year colleges/universities and get information on transfer requirements, majors, financial aid, & campus life! More INFO BELOW....

Thursday, September 20, 2007

10:00am to 1:00pm

Quad (between Library & Student Activities Bldg)

For more information contact:Transfer & Career Center (H-37)(510) 235-7800 x4241

Sunday, September 16, 2007

CCC Recycling

Contra Costa College is not only home to many college students, but also to HIGH School students from Middle College High School (MCHS). You may see us running around campus in big clusters, going from one class to another, or hanging around the amphitheater or rec room during lunch time. We are just high school students CONCURRENTLY enrolled in college!! Isn't that cool??

Well anyways, you may be wondering why I'm talking about's because we're in charge of keeping our campus Eco friendly!! The MCHS leadership class helps empty out all the BLUE recycle bins to keep our school clean. Now, we're planning to place about 400 blue recycling boxes around each classroom so that we can increase the earth friendly act, as well as earn money from the recycling. I've seen a lot of recyclable materials being thrown in the trash, when it should have been thrown in the BLUE recycle bins. The school loses money from this because it costs them to have the garbage truck pick up the garbage, but it's free to pick up the recycles. So if you have any papers, bottles, or other recyclable materials, please...please...PRETTY please make sure to throw them into the recycling bins.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Ladies and Gentlemen....I'm pleased to announce that the LIBRARY is officially opened!!! Today was the first day of opening the very sleek, and fancy library. A lot of attention to detail was put into planning and building this library. Even the library's granite countertops are fancy, with its unique triangle cut edge....yes I notice little things like that :)! They also have a new machine where you can self check out books, just by first scanning your id card, then the barcode on your book, just as if you were the librarian!

Well if you have not gone to see the spanky new library...get to it!! I will upload pictures of the library soon!!


Hello CCC students!! This is just a little reminder of very important deadlines for the Month of September....

  • September 14 is the Last Day to choose Credit/No Credit

  • AND the last day to withdraw from a semester-length class without a "W"

Don't WAIT to drop your class, or choose credit/ no credit. There is only 4 more school days until September 14th!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


The Library is moving September 7!!!

Let's do it again!

The CCC Library will move back into its remodeled building on Friday, Sept. 7 (again). Since school is in session for this move (we’ll try to stay put this time), we will need to make some temporary changes to the availability of library services for a couple of days:
  • Sept. 7 (Friday) -- 8am - 12N Library-teria will be open as usual until noon in its SA Bldg space.
  • Sept. 7 (Friday) -- 12N - 1:45pm The Library will offer LIMITED SERVICES in the LISC/Fireside Room, providing study space and computers. Reserve books & telecourse tapes will NOT BE AVAILABLE, as they will be in process of being moved.
  • Sept. 8 (Saturday) – Library will be CLOSED for unpacking.
    The Library will REOPEN at 8am on Monday, September 10, 2007.

Thank you for your patience and understanding with these changes, with the confusion of the past month, and with the limitations of the past 2 years. If you have not been peeking/sneaking into the building, you will be (like us) quite pleased with its beauty, new layout, and new “stuff!”

Monday, September 03, 2007

Club Rush!

Got Friends?
Club Rush '07
Join a club.
Start a club.
Make new friends.
September 5-6
10 am-1pm
Contact Nina in the Student Life Center if your club wants to participate in this event.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

New Student Ice Cream Social

F.Y.E. (First Year Experience)

Are you a new student, or faculty??

ASU is hosting a New Student Ice Cream Social where you can join other new students, staff, and faculty for sundaes, music, games, and prizes!

When?? September 5 3:00-5:00
Where?? Rec Room (across from the bookstore)
Questions?? Please call (510)235-7800 ext. 4564