Thursday, September 28, 2006


No plans this Friday?? Well you can check out a performance by the Mindanao Kulintang Ensemble. This is a Maranao folklore from the Southern Philipines about how the village responds to a full lunar eclipse. The collective sounds of villages across the land ward off the evil dragon named Arimao-nga, who is thought to devour the moon.
This is a one night only show, so if you're interested in going, don't miss it!!

Name: Manta Gowani

Location: Performing Arts Center (PAC) also known as the KNOX Center

Date: Friday 29th of September 2006 (One night ONLY!)

Time: 8pm door open at 7:30

Cost: $10 - Students
$15 - General

Hope to see you there!!

Monday, September 25, 2006


Ever seen a student graduate from Contra Costa College wearing gold stole on their gowns?? Well guess what, that's because they're part of an Honor Society called Alpha Gamma Sigma (AGS).

Well I know you guys might be thinking... Alpha Gamma Sigma, is this a sorority, or a fraternity??? No, it's better than's a California Community College Scholastic Honor Society. This means that every college in California recognizes this Society! If you become an AGS Honor Society member, you get a lot of benefits like tips to enhance your transfer, scholarship, and even employment applications!


  • Completed 12 college units (don not have to be taking 12 units per semester)
  • and have a 3.0 GPA current (past semester) and cumulative

You must apply to the AGS Honor Society each semester.

Dues are $10 per semester or $18 for two semesters. (If you're an EOPS student, EOPS will cover your dues)

Once you become an AGS member:

  • You must attend two meetings per semester (First Thursday of the month from 5-6pm; Third Wednesday of the month from Noon-1pm; located in the ASU building)
  • You must proved documentation of 10 hours of community service (due by end of the semester) Any unpaid community service you are already doing can count.

Still unsure if you're eligible??

  • If you're a new student: Once you finished 12 college units with a 3.0 current and cumulative GPA you can apply!
  • If you're a transfer student: Any college units you transfer in will count. Please provide A&R with your transcript to verify your units and GPA.
  • If you're an MCHS student: Middle College High School Students can also be AGS Honor Society members as soon as they have completed 12 college units with a 3.0 GPA.

What are you waiting for?? Deadline is Friday September 29!!
  • Get your forms online:
  • Click on 'Additional Links' and scroll down to "Honor Society(AGS)"

For more information contact AGS Advisers:

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Today is Transfer Day!!

So today was Transfer Day....and I hope a lot of you went!! I personally got a lot of information from colleges that I'm interested in. The college representatives we're friendly, and very informative. I'm happy to say that I have a plan for my future education career, especially after going to Transfer Day!

In case some people who didn't go or just wondering what transfer day is, here's a little info about it. First of all, Transfer day is when representatives from different colleges and Universities come here (Contra Costa College) to recruit students to their colleges. Contra Costa College host Transfer Day once a year, and is a chance for students to learn about transfer requirements, academic majors, financial aid, and much more!

Now, you must be thinking....Am I ready to transfer? Well to transfer as a Junior to a CSU, you "must complete at least 56 CSU transferable units with a 'C' average (2.0) or higher," and to transfer to a UC, you "must complete 60 transferable semester units which may vary. Make sure you check with you counselor about your education plan so you know where you're headed in the future!

Sunday, September 17, 2006


It's that time of year again!! Yes, that's right.. Transfer DAY!!
Thursday September 21st is Transfer Day.
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Location: on the Quad(area near the flagpole in front of the school)
Some of the Universities and Colleges at Transfer Day:

  • Chapman University
  • UC Santa Cruz
  • UC San Diego
  • UC Irvine
  • UCLA
  • UC Davis
  • UC Berkeley
  • UC Santa Cruz
  • John F. Kennedy
  • CSU Sacramento
  • CSU Bakersfield
  • San Francisco State University
For more information on Transfer Day or any Career/ Transfer questions visit: Transfer Center at H-37 or call 235-7800 ext. 4241

For information on this months Transfer/ Career Center information, check out and click on "Upcoming Events."

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Information Competency Challenge Exam

Hey everyone, ever heard of Competency Challenge Exam? Well this exam is a new graduation requirement for new students who is starting Fall of 2006, and want to get a degree. In order to fulfill this requirement you would have to take English 142B this semester and you would receive an Information Competency Certificate, or you could take the first unit of LIBST 110 or LIBST 110A.

  • This test will be given 4 times a semester, and you can only take it 1 time.
  • You have 3 hours to complete the test.
  • You must get a score of 70 or higher to pass the exam. If you get a lower score, you will need to take one of the course that meets the Information Competency Requirement:

LIBST 110 (1 unit) which can bet added until October 5.

LIBST 110A (1 unit) which will be a short term course for 9 weeks. Class starts on October 17 from 5:40- 7:30.

Want to be prepared for the test? Well check out for a CLICS (Contra Costa College Library Information Competency Skills Tutorial).

Location: Contra Costa College LIBRARY COMPUTER LAB

Dates of Challenge Exam:
  • Tuesday, September 19 2-5 pm
  • Tuesday, September 26 Noon-3pm
  • NEW DATE: Monday, September 25 2-5 pm

Don't forget to mark your calendars...

You must contact Judy Flum to reserve a spot.

  • Leave your full name
  • student ID number
  • phone number and which date you want to take the exam.

Don't forget to call and leave a message at 510-235-7800 ext 4445 or email at

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Hi, this is CC from Contra Costa College. I'm an intern at Communications and Advancement program, and this is my first project! My goal is to spread the word about Contra Costa College!

Well first of all heres a little background about the college: Contra Costa College was established in 1948 and was one of three community college in the Contra Costa County district. The college prepares their students to transfer to a four-year university, provides great education programs, and most importantly, and most importantly its located 2600 Mission Bell Drive, San Pablo CALIFORNIA. So come check it out!

Information courtesy of the College Archives, and Contra Costa Community College District